This was after we danced, Toa, Suli, Me, Hema

Suli with and evil look in his eye ^

This was when the dance started I'm in the second row
Since February I have been practicing with the Tongan Club for Culture night, I didn't want to write about it because I was such a white girl and couldn't pick up the dance, I was pretty sure I would be told I couldn't dance! Well I kept going and didn't miss a single practice and a month and a half later BAM I could do it some what good. At least they stopped laughing at me, and at the last practice I got a {GOOD JOB KASEY!}
Anyways, Last night was culture night at BYUH. Let me tell you this was probably the scariest thing I have ever done in my life!!! There were hundreds of people there and I danced in front of them all! I don't remember anything actually just that as the spotlights came on I was blinded and forgot the dance. I froze, then the music started and hopefully I did the right moves.
Getting in our costumes was so fun, The boys were so funny because they wore these red hat things on their heads and they looked silly, but our dance was probably the crowd favorite of the night! I am so glad I stuck it out and did it.


Look at you goin on Tongan on us! woohoo! you danced and walked at the same time, I can't even believe it. Did you have a blast? This looks like so much fun! I watched the videos and couldn't really find you or Suli, I need to watch again but tell me where to be looking!
oh wait I am a ding dong, I just looked at your pics again and saw where you guys were and then watched the videos again and I totally saw you! You were amazing! yay!
kasey dawn!
look at you go. you are so cool.
HOW AWESOME! I am sure you did a fantastic job! It looks like you guys were made for each other. I am sure you did a wonderful job, you always mastered everything you tried.
I am so proud of you too.
Once I did the Tahitian dance for Cultural Night. It was at the PCC and it was the scariest thing ever.
I never got a "Good Job Dummy!"
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