Happy 4th of July everyone! It was my first one away from home weird! I missed not having a rodeo, going to the Heber fireworks, and also making homemade ice cream at Aunt Roni's! Instead me and Suli went to our friends Michelle's house. We watched the fireworks at Turtle Bay and then came back to play with the kids and eat. Michelle's mom had made all kinds of food for us, she had made tater tots for the kids. Suli starts eating them and was like what are these? these are so good! haha I cant believe he has never had any tots! Anyways we had a great day and cant wait to come home in 10 days~

*Napoleon Dynamite man I really want to watch that movie now! GOSH
*note to self: replace missing Napoleon Dynamite movie and stock up on tots.
so excited! so excited! so excited!
sandi. why are you m.i.a. on my blog comments as of late? :(
Kate I am busy planning weddingS you know!!! haha I will try to drop by tomorrow because I love your blog!
Hey Kasey,
You can come over and look at that chair anytime. Let me know if you would like to. 808-387-0064. I was trying to sell it for $40.
ps. I love tater tots and Napoleon Dynamite too!
8 more days! that makes all my cat problems dissapear! cant wait. i wish it were 8 days until the wedding in snowflake temple:)
What cant a girl dream?
love you!
Hey, I have two copies of that freakin' movie. I can donate to the cause if Sandi can't find it. SERIOUSLY!
Hey, KK, how did you get your header to be so darn cute? huh? huh? huh?
Enjoy being home. And enjoy the wedding. I am mad at your sis for messing with your mom's blogging mojo!
haha it took me all day!!! i dont even rememeber it sucked thats all i know! I am mad at my sister too dont worry!
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