Monday, September 13, 2010

Sticky,Sweaty September

September is probably the hottest, stickiest, sweatiest, humidest (yes that is probably not a word) month of the year. This is Suli and his cousin playing at the beach, we went to cool down and to celebrate Suli doing AWESOME in his classes for first term.

Fall semester starts on Wednesday for Suli- I do believe he is taking 20 credits, but I may be wrong. I am still student teaching and will be until December 16 and I GRADUATE on December 17. I can't wait!

Happy late Birthday to my dear Riley- Actually I did facebook and text her yesterday so I was not actually late at all. I love ya sistah!


Sandi said...

ha ha I hope they got better as the day went on! So cool that he did good in his classes. I can't wait for December!

Sandi said...

wow. sorry the commenters are slacking. haha.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh look how cute your blog is now that you're all grown up and married.

YAY for Suli doing awesome.

YAY for you graduating on Dec 17th.

I totally remember those sweaty sticky Septembers. UGH. And October is worse.

Not to be rude, but it's crispy here in Utah. Even a bit nippy.

Just sayin'