Monday, September 13, 2010

Sticky,Sweaty September

September is probably the hottest, stickiest, sweatiest, humidest (yes that is probably not a word) month of the year. This is Suli and his cousin playing at the beach, we went to cool down and to celebrate Suli doing AWESOME in his classes for first term.

Fall semester starts on Wednesday for Suli- I do believe he is taking 20 credits, but I may be wrong. I am still student teaching and will be until December 16 and I GRADUATE on December 17. I can't wait!

Happy late Birthday to my dear Riley- Actually I did facebook and text her yesterday so I was not actually late at all. I love ya sistah!

Monday, September 6, 2010

So Long Sweet Summer

I decided that today would be a good day for me to catch up on my blog, since my mom is always reminding my through facebook, phone calls, and text messages that she is sick and tired of seeing her face up on my blog. So here goes- its long filled with pictures and if you don't want to read through it I understand- so here is to you mother! enjoy.
In June Suli and I got two super cute visitors! Mckayl and Michelle came to visit for the summer. We had so much fun going to:
  • Buddhist temples
  • eating shave ice, shrimp, acai bowls, and TEDS. (Mckayl and Michelle ate there pretty much everyday I do believe.)
  • we took trips to Waikiki and asked how much we cost
  • Went to PCC and night show almost every night
  • dances
  • movie marathons
  • a couple attempts at snorkeling (the water was murky every time),
  • collecting shells
  • tanning
  • surfing
  • Michelle's (my Michelle) wedding reception
  • Plus much much more
Mckayl and Michelle ready to playI guess we had an exhausting day-or we are just waking up-not sure
showing them the scenes
valley of the temples

Chinamans hat

not so thrilled they HAD to stay in Hawaii for the summer- they wanted to leave like two weeks into to trip.
Michelle and Palauni
Emma surprised us by flying from Florida to the reception!

on the 8th of July we left Hawaii and headed to California for Toa's (Suli's older sister) wedding. there were feasts, dances, and so many cousins, aunties, and uncles to get to know! It was great to meet everyone and party with them-and let me tell you Tongans know how to party- we got the cops called on us for being too loud. Oh and I got called the white girl the ENTIRE time I was there. ("shhhh there is a white girl asleep in your bed don't wake her up!!" Suli's little cousins telling their older brother I was passed out in his bed)
after the sealing I was freezing my but off *note the blue hoodie in the rest of the pics I had to buy it and wear it everyday because I was so cold.
Typical Suli Picture

Aunts, sisters, and cousins boogieing

Our SPRINT down the Golden Gate Bridge- It was raining and cold and us Hawaiians couldn't handle it. (Suli was quite disappointed that the Golden Gate Bridge was not Golden)

Later that night some of Suli's friends decided they wanted to show us the "real" San Fran. So about 11 pm we headed back to the city and did not return till the sun came up. I told ya Tongans know how to party!

We got to visit Snowflake for the 24 celebration-
We were busy playing softball, volleyball, rappelling, eating, swimming, riding horses and four wheelers( Suli squealed when we saw a chipmunk), painting, feeding missionaries, going to plays, rodeos and parades and catching up with loved ones- oh Snowflake you are so beautiful to me!

At the Rodeo: Grandma Me and my mom all matched aren't we so adorable. This was Friday night at the rodeo, we had to miss the one on Saturday because we were headed back home. We had so much fun I think Suli's favorite part is watching the bull riding, but my favorite part is watching for the weirdies with their super high do's and super tight pants!

August: Kasey started Student teaching Suli started First term. we barely survived. We never saw each other and went to bed at 9:30. Got Addicted to 24 so on the weekends we lay around watching it all day we are now on season 3.

Friday September 3 was my last day of work (I worked at PCC for 2 1/2 years), these are the AWESOME people I work with-they threw me a party it was a lot of fun.
Can you believe that today has been 3 years since I met, and fell madly in love with my hubby?

So as you can see we have been busy these last 3 months. I am trying to be better at blogging but please remember student teaching=NO LIFE. Happy Labor Day!

A special thanks to The Format and Mae for helping me get through this post!