Monday, May 11, 2009


{RaEGAN} you are my baby sister and you have grown up so quickly! I love you so much. You have always been my little side kick, we are the best at doing nothing and having a blast. Remember that time we just sat in the drive way and threw rocks and talked? (my friends even came to pick me up and I just stayed with you)I love jumping and swimming with you because we make up the coolest tricks that I always talk you into trying first because I am too scared. Remember when I taught you how do do a backhandspring at grandmas house?You are the greatest athlete in the family I'm jealous of your mad skills. I'm also jealous of your perfect shiny dark hair, and Asian eyes. Remember when Nick Farr asked if you were adopted? Raegan you are so beautiful and just plain awesome I hope that I have always been a good example and sister to you! I love you so much and I'm so glad everyone loved your board and I wish I was there with you girls to go have sushi and hang out with just the sisters. I started to cry when you told me you all got to go hang out just you guys. I feel like I'm missing so much! I love you Reggs a babe! I hope you had a great one!


The Crash Test Dummy said...

Awww sweet! Happy Birthday Raegan dear!

When does your dad leave tomorrow? I'm want him to take something back to your mom. I can drop it off tonight or tomorrow sometime. I'll work around your schedule!

Sandi!!! Are you listening? My sister's birthday is on the 16th too so I'm going to count that. We are officially soul mates!

ewww your verifier says proste. Am I prostetuting my sister out so I can be Sandi's soul mate?

Sandi said...

Hey Kasey - I didn't see this til just now..I will make sure Raegan see's it when she gets home.
I am soul mates with Crash...woohoo!

Sandi said...

kasey! my love !! i am sooo not chinese!!! ahh i cant believe you said asian eyes hahah i love you!! i want you to come home so we can jump! hahah it would be great! i cant wait for you to get married! ah its going to be so different! ♥

Anonymous said...

reagan is pretttttty cool.
(i think she is your only sister that's never yelled at me.)

happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

oh &

180?! not bad. i will give you the official* soon.

(as in the official word. not like a hott referee or something.)

Anonymous said...

wow, it must be too late.

Anonymous said...

word verification:



Anonymous said...


aaaaaaaand that how i roll. 5 comments at a time.
(kate is still kate!)

Sandi said...

Ha Ha Kate....Did Riley ever yell at you? We all know Mckayl would do such a thing...but Riley??

WV says :fourever. I swear!

kasey kaufusi said...

oh kate that would be great! i didnt know riley yelled at you what a meanie face. i know mckyal probably screamed in your face a few times and might even said she hated you to but eh we are used to it! and mom its crashes favorite not allergic! thank goodness and you got yourself a pretty sweet treat headed your way!

kasey kaufusi said...

yes i love to rhyme your name and guess what i found the other day as i was rummaging through my things i found a poem written by the one and only k8 i read it and died laughing maybe ill post it on here so you can enjoy!

Christensens said...

ihave never yelled at kate even though she is just another sister!! hangingout with rags and mckayl was so much fun! they need to come play again!

Anonymous said...

okay, okay, riley never yelled at me.

i only want to hear the poem if it's crude.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

I'm waiting for the Happy birthday Mother dear post so I can steal the photos. ;)

Happy birthday Sandi dear!!

Verifier says geases. You're such a geaser now, Sandi!