Well it is kind of a big deal at BYUH. All the clubs have songfest. So of course I am in the Tongan Club and we started practices last week. It is alot of fun because the Tongan Club is one of the biggest on campus and one of the best in songfest. I am sorta learning the words hopefully I can remember them by the time it comes around. The club is divided into four groups the red, blue yellow and green team. Bet you cant guess what team I'm on! Somehow we are going to like stand during our parts or dance or something so it will look really cool. I will try to get a video of it when we sing! Thats about all I have been up to since it has been raining everyday!
I knew you should have bought that lovely GREEN outfit at the dollar store. you could have been the star of songfest! I can't wait to see you singing and dancing with the Tongans- DONT FORGET TO VIDEO!
I hope they give you something better than spaghettio sandwiches this time.
we got hotdogs and chips. but im sure speghettio sandwiches are on thier way next time!
Spaghettio sandwiches and warm spam california rolls.
mmm mmm good. You're livin the life!
holler! haha that sounds awesome. have fun.
dito to your mom, i wanna see a video of it.
spaghettio sandwich? sounds.. pretty sick.
Sounds like fun! It is good to hear from you. I don't think I have your email. I still have your number, but I don't have text anymore. I called Misti the other day, and I miss you and all my friends! Have so much fun, and I can't wait for you to meet Ruthie.
HELLO KASEY DEAR!!! this is yo sista raegan!!! i have no idea what to say to you but i felt like being crazy and writing you something special to you!!! hehehe
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