Well it has been awhile since I have posted. I just want to give a big MAHALO to my dad for his trip out here. He totally is my hero, he fixed my car and my friends car and still managed to have some free time a the beach. I loved having you here and I know you really enjoyed everyones reaction to you " oh you are so young" "are you sure your not a student?" Anyways dad thanks a bunch!

That shave ice pic just still makes me so mad!! I hope your car is still running well because if there is one little thing wrong with it, his bags are packed and he is ready to come back NOW!
ah shucks! I'm sorry you got so sick. Wish I had known. I totally would have made you some swirly homemade chicken soup.
Your dad does look like a student, btw.
Kute Kasey, do you need a girls day? Let me know. My hub won't be home until Sunday so I've got Friday free and Sat morning.
I am so sorry you didn't feel good. I am glad Suli is there to take care of you. I can't beleive how long your hair is! You are so beautiful!
I have come back a couple of times to look at this again and every time I do, I think that Suli looks like my cousin David....do you see it?
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