holy cow you are 18!! I can't believe you are that old! I remember my 18th birthday like it was yesterday~ Well my dear I am so glad that you are my sista you always kept things fun! Here are a few of my favorite memories with you!
- your 9 ex husbands
- doing the naked dance on a grave
- looking for lice
- when you would make me and riley pet your toungue like free willy and mom made us do it cuz you would cry
- kicking the snot out of that one girl
- laying out our 101 dalmation blanket and making you and Raegan fight on the blanket.
- you being so fat you couldn't crawl
- you wearing your plastic high heels and lace table cloth as your hair
- you saying to a grungy looking man, "LONG HAIRED MAN!"
- when you got stitches from falling off your bike
- you wearing your minnie mouse dress like everyday
- you passing out when you were chasing moms car down the driveway
- you rolling down our big hilled driveway backwards on our bigwheel
- that time you decided to climb in the tub in your diaper and fully clothed
- having sleepovers the night before christmas in your room
- when you drooled in my lap at church
- your roller skank outfit
- all our many dress up days and playing on the black road.

I know you love me the most.. because im just to lovable. haha i like this blog thing thank you for writing such lovely things. haha
by the way this is mckayl
You made her very happy :-)
by the way this is me.
awww! i love your little sis. remember when she used to yell at you when there was stuff laying on the floor? she was sooo good at soccer too:) happy b-day!
yup haha i think she told kate she hated her cuz she rolled all over the floor and she hadnt vaccumed
haha i was just going to add that to your list.
kasey- you'll be getting it on in.... 7 days right?!
:O...... Kate!
p.s tongue is spelled like this: tongue!
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